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Graduate Program - Spring Courses

Skinner Hall

N710 Quantitiative Methods - Amherst

This course is offered on Tuesdays, 1:00-4:00 pm
3 credits - On Campus

N720 State of the Discipline - Amherst

This course is offered on Tuesdays, 1:00-4:00 pm
3 credits - On Campus

N775 Measurement in Health Care Research - Amherst

This course is offered 8:30-11:30 am
3 credits - On Campus

N810 Advanced Nursing Research - Amherst

This course is offered 1:00-4:00 pm
3 credits - On Campus

N820 Emerging Nursing Theory - Amherst

*Can opt for Graduate Certificate in Nursing Education
This course is offered 4:00-7:00 pm
3 credits -  On Campus

NU/EHS* Quantitative Research Methods - Boston

This course is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays
3 credits - On Campus

EHS825L Advance Quantitative Research Methods - Boston

This course is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays
3 credits - On Campus

NU344/644 Global Perspectives on Health; Exploring the Intersection of Equity, Economics and Culture - Boston

This course is offered on Wednesdays
3 credits - On Campus

NU668 Elective: Clinical Practicum for Nurse Educators - Boston

This course is offered on Wednesdays
3 credits - On Campus 

NU702 Doctoral Seminar - Boston

*this is a year long course over two semesters
This course is offered on Mondays
3 credits - On Campus

NU741 Health Policy 1 - Boston

This course is offered on Mondays
3 credits - On Campus

NU745 Population Health 1 - Boston

This course is offered on Mondays
3 credits - On Campus

NU757 Social Behavioral Determinants of Health - Boston

This course is offered on Mondays
3 credits - On Campus

NU770 Biostats II - Boston

This course is offered on Mondays
3 credits - On Campus

NU790 Integrating Concepts and Methods - Boston

PhD; Getting Students Ready for Comps
This course is offered on Mondays
3 credits - On Campus

Nur 705 Theory Construction Synthesis and Application to Practice - Dartmouth

This course is offered on Tuesdays, 8:30-11:30 am
3 credits - Blended Distance Learning possible

Nur 710 Multivariate Analysis in Healthcare Research - Dartmouth

PhD, Interdisciplinary
This course is offered on Tuesdays, 1:00-4:00 pm
3 credits - Blended Distance Learning possible

Nur 730 Nursing Interventions in the Care of Chronically Ill Persons: Research, Theory & Practice – Dartmouth

This course is offered on Tuesdays, 8:30-11:30 am
3 credits - Blended Distance Learning possible

Nur 740 Promoting Health and Shaping the Healthcare System: Research, Theory and Practice - Dartmouth

This course is offered on Tuesdays, 1:00-4:00 pm
3 credits - Blended Distance Learning possible

NURS.7170 Evaluation Research - Lowell

This course focuses on evaluation research design, its application to nursing practice and impact on health outcomes. In this course, students critically review and analyze existing evaluation research and its relevance for health, nursing education and social program development.

The course will be offered as a weekend blended hybrid course. It meets once/month on campus on a Saturday and the other modules are online.

N701 Teaching Strategies and Evaluation for the Health Care Educator - Worcester

This course is offered online with 4 Tuesday evening zoom sessions 5-6pm

3 credit 

N802 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods - Worcester

The quality indicators for quantitative research designs will be highlighted with emphasis on the appropriateness of purpose, design, sampling methods, data collection, measurement, and data analysis. Threats to internal and external validity will be considered. Design, implementation, management, analysis and dissemination of descriptive, experimental, quasi-experimental, and intervention research will be analyzed. Big data, data science and the future of quantitative nursing research will be explored.

On Campus Tuesday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

3 credits

N803 Theory - Worcester

This course focuses on the critical analysis of theories, concepts, frameworks, and models for research. Emphasis is on analysis, including application of criteria for evaluating concepts in research and theory development.

On campus Tuesdays 1:00 to 4:00 pm

3 credits

N815 Statistical Analysis of Data - Worcester

This course is offered on Tuesdays, 5:00-8:00 pm
3 credits - On Campus

N826 Scientific Writing - Worcester

The students in this course will focus on the writing process. Instructions for writing correctly and with appropriate style in addition to detailing how to
structure a paper and present data will be emphasized. Using practical examples and exercises this course will teach students to become more effective scientific writers. Topics will include but are not limited to principles of good writing, the format of a scientific manuscript, ethical responsibilities of authorship, issues in publication and peer review, and strategies for productive

On campus Tuesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm

3 credits